DONUTS WITH JERRY is a FINALIST in the Acclaim Scripts Contest

Just found out that DONUTS WITH JERRY was a FINALIST in the Acclaim Scripts Screenwriting Competition. We received some very nice notes from a judge:

Originality/appeal: 9/10
Characterization: 8/10
Dialogue: 8/10
Storytelling ability: 9/10
Format/style: 10/10

Plotline is strong and the intriguing story makes this script appealing. Starts off with a bang, too. Jerry is a likeable chap, as most guys who play Santa are! Dropping him into a small town is a good formula that can work, and does here, as the denizens are quirky in their own way.

Characterization is solid throughout, with round, believable characters. Emily is cute without being annoying ("My grandpa says my mama needs a new man!").

Dialogue is good, pithy ("I don't believe in enemies, they're just friends in progress").

Story flows well and the vivid narration keeps things moving at a good clip. Overall good work.

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